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Meet the Children

Casa da Criança splits children into groups based on age and gender so they can provide specialized care for each age range.

Anjinhos (Angels): This group is between 0 and 4 years of age, represented by the color white. They are taken care of by the Cresecer e Renacer Projet at Casa da Criança, receiving neonatal care in the field of health and nutrition. There are currently 27 children in this group, divided into two groups.

-20 in early childhood from 2 to 4 years old

– 7 Newborns aged 0 to one year

Estrelinhas (Stars): This is a group of girls from 5 to 9 years old, represented by the color light blue. They are taken care of by the Renaser e Creser Project and attend 1st to 4th grade at the Esperança School. There are currently 20 girls in this group

Azulinhos (Blues): This is a group of boys from 5 to 9 years old, represented by the color blue. They are taken care of by the Renaser e Creser Project and attend 1st to 4th grade at the Esperança School. There are currently 18 boys in this group.

Verdinhas (Greens): This is a group of girls from 9 to 13 years old, represented by the color green. They are taken care of by the Renaser e Creser Project and attend 5th to 6th grade at the Esperança School. There are 28 girls in this group.

Vermelhinhos (Reds): This is a group of boys from 9 to 13 years old, represented by the color red. They are taken care of by the Renaser e Creser Project and attend 5th to 6th grade at the Esperança School. There are currently 28 boys in this group.

Rosinhas (Pinks): This is a group of teenagers from 13 to 18 years old, represented by the color pink. They are taken care of by the Renascer e Crecer Project and attend 6th to 8th grade at the Esperança School and Escolinha da Paz. There are currently 20 girls in this group.

Sol (Suns): This is a group of teens and young women from 14 to 22 years old, represented by the color yellow. They are taken care of by the Renascer e Crecer Project and attend 7th to 9th grade at the Escolinha da Paz. There are currently 14 in this group.

Auroras: This is a group of young women from 17 to 22 years old, represented by the color purple. They are taken care of by the Renascer e Crecer Project and attend 10th to 13th grades and even college at various secondary schools. There are currently 18 in this group.

Sávio:  This is a group of boys aged 13 to 17. They attend high school, generally 7th to 9th grade, or professional courses. There are currently 12 boys in this group